If you are a dog owner, please be respectful of your neighbors’ property as well as the common grounds of the Association. Texas Law requires that pet owners pick up after their pets and properly dispose of their waste. Furthermore, animal fecal matter serves as a food source for rats and will encourage a rat infestation if it accumulates on the grounds of the community. All dog owners are urged to abide by the law so that the unsightly and unhealthy appearance of dog waste on the grounds can be eliminated. Please be reminded that pet owners who fail to abide by the County Law can be fined by the County and in cases of repeated violations, the pet can be deemed a public nuisance in which case the County can remove the pet from the premises. If you observe a dog walker not picking up after the dog’s waste, please report it to JillE@crest-management.com immediately. The Cypress Landing Park Board of Directors and your management team thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.