November Security Memo
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Hello neighbors,
As we continue in the holiday season please remember to be cautious of your surroundings and taking in packages from your front porch. Remember to keep car doors, back doors, garage doors etc. closed and locked. If you suspect a package was stolen, see something suspicious, etc. please report it to the constables by calling them at 281-463-6666. Even if our assigned officers are not on duty they will send a deputy in 5 minutes or less for emergency and 10 minutes or less for nonemergency. All activity is tracked for each month. Attached is the Beat Activity Report for September, October, and November. This report includes the deputies’ reports for on and off duty incidences/reports.
- Security Camera and license plate readers located at 4 entrances – North and South Crossroads, Bayou River, and Fleetwood Place.
- Security system houses at Chris Culberson’s home and he is retiring after maintaining the system since 2012.
Phase 1 – Completed – Changed security company and hired constables for security.
Phase 2 –Completed- Security Committee choose new monitoring system- completed.
Phase 3- In Process – New security system to begin 1/1/2023.
Phase 4 -
- Removal of camera system from Chris Culberson’s home where it has been housed since 2012.
- Removal of camera system and license plate reader from current location.
Phase 5
- Sell and/or destroy parts of old system.
- Our security committee (Chris Culberson, Susan Goddard, John Owens, Bill Wolf, and me) choose Flock to provide monitoring of license plate reader.
- As of 1/1/2023 Flock will be the company we use for the license plate readers at both Crossroads North and South entrances.
- Fleetwood and Fleetwood West will each have their own contracts for Flock as we are two different POA. Fleetwood West will have license plate readers at Bayou River and Fleetwood Place entrances.
- For more information on Flock see
- Fleetwood West decided to remove the current readers on their entrances as of 12/5/2022 rather than 1/1/2023. This is different than what was reported at the Town Hall meeting on 11/29/2022.
If you have any comments/concerns/questions with security please contact 1. Blanca Galvan, CMCA, AMS | Community Manager at Crest Management Company D: 281-945-4662 | E: 2. Sharon Swanson Evans – POA Security Director – or 210-273-5319, or 3. Attend our next board meeting on Tuesday, January 24
th at Crest Management Office 17171 Park Row, Suite 310, Houston, Texas 77084.
Have a great day!
Sharon Swanson Evans
Fleetwood POA Security Director
Key to understand the Beat Activity Report
- Unit #- refers to the precinct 5 deputy. Each deputy has their own number. Deputy Ghanem is 5H35 and Deputy Galo is 5H12. Other units are not assigned to Fleetwood but have assisted when needed.
- Beat 5013 is the Fleetwood/Fleetwood West neighborhood
- Disp means:
- UTL – Unable to locate
- INF- Deputy put in information in their system that may be needed later
- ADV- Deputy gave advice
- CIT –Citation given
- Meet the Citizen means – Neighbor flagged down deputy to speak with
- Informational Call – Deputy initiated the call and documented something odd/suspicious incase seen/occur again
- Contract Check – Park and watched area
- Traffic Initiative – Sit and watch for speeding, not stopping at stop signs etc.
Helpful Information:
PLEASE remember to call the constable 24 hour dispatch number instead of 911 for any security issues.
The number is 281-463-6666. A deputy will arrive 3 minutes for emergency and less than 15 minutes for nonemergency. HPD has been known to show hours later for calls.
Only email non-emergency information/questions
Robert Ghanem (evening shift)
Keiry Galo (day shift)
Vacation Watch
Residents who live within a Precinct 5 Contracted Patrol Area may submit a Vacation Watch Request whenever they will be away from their home for more than a day. A Vacation Watch lets the deputies who patrol your area know to keep an extra eye on things while you are away.
The quickest way to submit the request is to fill out the online form. If you prefer, you may contact our dispatch office and have a deputy come to your residence to take the request.