Trick or Treat Safety Tips
Monday, October 28, 2019
Pedestrian injuries are the most common injury to children on Halloween. Whether you have toddlers or teens, some planning and safety precautions can help prevent accidents and keep your trick or treaters safe.
Always opt for sidewalks, if available, rather than walking in the street. Some costumes and clothing are difficult to see in the dark and you may not be visible to drivers when walking in the roadway. Cross the street at corners or intersections and never cross between parked cars or from driveways. Even if crosswalks are present, try to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them.
According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, 80% of pedestrian fatalities in Texas occur after dark. Trick or treat in familiar, well-lit areas and walk in groups. There is safety in numbers.
Kids and cars can be frighteningly unpredictable. Avoid distractions while trick or treating by keeping your cell phone safely tucked away. Keep your head up and focus on pedestrian safety.
When planning costumes, avoid masks that can obstruct a child's vision. To brighten up dark costumes, have your child wear or carry glow sticks or attach reflective tape to their costume or trick or treat bag.
Happy trick or treating. Stay safe.